A great fit for small business owners

  • Industry Knowledge

    To build your brand recognition, we first have to be aware of what your competition is offering, and how they are marketing it.

    My wide range of industry experience includes:

    • Dental & Orthodontic

    • Medical, Orthopedic, & Therapeutic

    • Logging, Mills, Forestry, & Conservation

    • Retail: Arts, Crafts, & Handmade Products

    • Wine, Beer & Spirits

  • A more interactive marketing approach

    No long waits, unanswered emails, set-in-stone marketing plans, or stale social media content that was scheduled weeks in advance.

    My clients appreciate how easy it is to communicate with me. Got a question about your ad campaign, or a new idea for your website? Great - shoot me a text, phone call, or email and I’ll get back to you promptly.

    I’ll keep up with the daily trends, research current top hashtags, interact with your followers, and watch for any opportunity to engage with other businesses.

    I want you to become a familiar, loved name in your community. I’ll watch for events and opportunities for you to get more involved, while you stay focused on the day-to-day grind.

  • SEO Savvy

    Social media pages are the new search engines! Your clientele are not relying solely on Google anymore. Many utilize search engines within their favored social media platform as well as digital word-of-mouth.

    Social media cannot directly factor your SEO ranking; however, it certainly helps. In a 2018 study, HootSuite found a positive correlation between social engagements and change in rank.

    I can help the old fashioned way, too. I’ll audit your website to see where we can make improvements on the backend. There are some quick fixes to get you ranking higher.